Meeting Room Policy

The Champaign Public Library welcomes use of its meeting rooms by persons or organizations for informational, educational, cultural, and civic meetings.

Meeting rooms are available free to nonprofit groups and for a fee to profit and non-resident groups.

Reserve a meeting room »

Questions? We can help! Contact us at 217/403-2000.

Main Library

The meeting rooms available for use by the public at the Main Library, 200 W. Green Street, Champaign, Illinois during library hours. The room choices are:

Robeson Pavilion Rooms A & B, located on the 1st floor. Light refreshments are allowed.
Room fee for profit and non-resident groups: $50/hour

Setup options:

Auditorium – Max occupancy 120
Conference – Max occupancy 80
Classroom – Max occupancy 64
Board – Max occupancy 44
U-Shaped – Max occupancy 38

Setup options: Auditorium – Max occupancy  28
Conference – Max occupancy 27
Classroom – Max occupancy 27
U-Shape – Max occupancy 21

Robeson Pavilion Room A, located on the 1st floor. Light refreshments are allowed.
Room fee for profit and non-resident groups: $25/hour

Setup options:

Auditorium – Max occupancy 50
Conference – Max occupancy 48
Classroom – Max occupancy 32
Board – Max occupancy 24
U-Shaped – Max occupancy 18

Robeson Pavilion Room B, located on the 1st floor. Light refreshments are allowed.
Room fee for profit and non-resident groups: $25/hour

Setup options:

Auditorium – Max occupancy 50
Conference – Max occupancy 48
Classroom – Max occupancy 32
Board – Max occupancy 24
U-Shaped – Max occupancy 18

Robeson Pavilion Room C, located on the 1st floor. Light refreshments are allowed.
Room fee for profit and non-resident groups: $25/hour

Setup options:

Auditorium – Max occupancy 45
Conference – Max occupancy 40
Classroom – Max occupancy 30
Board – Max occupancy 20
U-Shaped – Max occupancy 20

Setup options: Auditorium – Max occupancy 15
Conference – Max occupancy 10
Classroom – Max occupancy 10
U-Shape – Max occupancy 10

Friends Conference  Room, located on the 2nd floor. Covered drinks only; no food is allowed.
Room fee for profit and non-resident groups: $10/hour

Board setup – Max occupancy 22

Busey Bank Conference  Room, located on the 2nd floor. Covered drinks only; no food is allowed.
Room fee for profit and non-resident groups: $10/hour

Board setup – Max occupancy 20

Douglass Branch Library

A meeting room is available for use by the public at the Douglass Branch Library, 504 E. Grove St., Champaign. Contact library staff at 217/403-2090 to make a reservation.

This room may be available during hours the library is closed. Contact the Champaign Park District’s Douglass Community Center at 217/398-2573 to make arrangements for meetings during those hours.

Room fee for profit and non-resident groups: $25/Hour. 

Light refreshments allowed.

Max occupancy: 80

Conditions of use

A. Priorities of Use

  • Champaign Public Library has meeting rooms available for public use, which are designated primarily to meet the operational needs of the Library and to offer accommodations for educational, informational, cultural, and civil functions of the Champaign community.
  • Use of the Library’s meeting rooms or facilities does not constitute endorsement of viewpoints expressed by the program or participants in the program.  No advertising or announcement implying such endorsement will be permitted.  All advertisements, mailings, and postings must include the disclaimer, “This event is not endorsed or affiliated with the Champaign Public Library.”
  • By reserving a room, users of the meeting rooms agree to the Library’s meeting room policies and Rules of Conduct.

B. Public nature of use

  • Meetings must be free and open to all the members of the public. Fees or dues may be collected, but the public may not be denied entry to the meeting due to failure to pay. Groups may charge a fee for speaker fees, learning materials required for the program or activity conducted at the Library, course credits or refreshments, so long as any fees are not used as a fundraiser. Fundraising is not allowed for any group in relation to the Library's meeting rooms. Retail sales are not allowed, with the exception of authors conducting book signings.

  • Activities taking place in the meeting rooms must not be closed to any person due to age, gender, sex, race, religion, marital status, political affiliation, national origin, disabling condition, or any legally protected category. Users of Library meeting rooms must comply with all applicable local, State and Federal laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act, such as by hiring an interpreter or providing auxiliary aids when requested by the public.

  • Meeting rooms may not be reserved or used for:

    • Social gatherings or private parties, including but not limited to birthday parties, showers, potlucks, banquets, graduations, weddings, memorials, or family reunions.

    • Fundraising events.

    • Programs, which would disturb Library customers, impede Library staff, endanger the Library building, or interfere with functions of the Library.

    • Programs or gatherings, which present a clear and present danger to the welfare of the participants, Library staff, customers, or the community.

C. General Policies

  • Meeting organizers and attendees will have access to the rooms only after the Library is open.

  • Groups needing setup time before their meeting should allow for it in their reservations. No group will be permitted to access its reserved meeting room before its reservation time.

  • All participants must leave by the time the Library closes.

  • Fees, when applicable, are payable at the time a reservation is made.

  • Organizations may not use the Library for ongoing operational activities. No more than two events per week may be scheduled, and no group may use the Library's address to send or receive mail.

  • Organizations may not use the name, address, or telephone number of the Library, except for notifying attendees of the location of the meeting. The Champaign Public Library name and/or logo may not be used on any advertisement or posting.

  • No signs or posters pertaining to non-Library sponsored meetings may be posted on Library property. Nothing may be attached to the walls, ceiling, equipment, or doors of the meeting rooms. A freestanding banner or sign may be placed next to the meeting room door. Signage must not be displayed any place else in the Library.

  • Use of any flames is prohibited, including matches, candles, incense, sterno, etc.

  • Smoking, alcoholic beverages, hazardous materials, and/or weapons are not permitted on Library property.

  • Library staff is unable to deliver messages to meeting participants, except in the cases of medical emergency.

  • Champaign Public Library cardholders must not have a fee balance of more than $25 on their Library account in order to reserve a meeting room.

  • Meetings of individuals under 18 years of age must have an adult sponsor present and remain present throughout the length of the program or activity. Children under eight years of age must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver at all times in all parts of the Library.

  • Occupants may not exceed the stated occupancy for the room and must comply with the capacity for the designated room setup.

  • All meeting room users and activity participants must follow the Library’s Rules of Conduct.

  • Approval of events not included here will be determined by the Library Director, or designee, who is authorized to establish reasonable regulations governing use of the meeting rooms and related fees.

D. Reservations and cancellations

  • Reservations for all meeting rooms must be made online at no earlier than 12 months in advance or later than 48 hours prior to event.

  • Up to 12 meeting reservations per group will be held in our booking schedules at any one time.

  • The Library reserves the right to designate which room will be assigned for use. Requests for a certain room will be honored whenever possible.

  • One individual must be designated as a contact person by the group reserving the room. That person is responsible for scheduling and supervising the activities of the group, and is jointly and severally liable for any damage caused by the group.

  • A Champaign Public Library card, driver’s license, tax identification number, or other valid identification is required to reserve a meeting room.

  • Cancellations can be made online with the confirmation number or by calling the Main Library at 217/403-2000 or Douglass Branch at 217/403-2090.

  • All meeting room fees are refundable if cancelled at least one week before the scheduled event. If cancelled within one week of the event, fees are nonrefundable.

  • Users are responsible for notifying the Library of cancellations. If a user fails to appear for their scheduled meeting, they forfeit any fees paid at the time of the reservation.

  • Fees will also be refunded if the Library closes for any reason, and refunds will be made within 30 days.

  • The Library reserves the right to change, cancel, or revoke reservations for meeting rooms. If changes or cancellations are necessary, the Library will provide the affected group as much notice as possible.

  • Contact us at 217/403-2000 with questions.

E. Room condition and setup fees

  • The normal seating arrangements for each library meeting room are described above.

  • Requests to significantly rearrange meeting room setup once it is in place will incur a $25 setup fee.

  • Meeting rooms should be left in the same condition and arrangement as they were found. Cleanup or damage repair required will be charged at $60 per hour, with a minimum of $25, or the actual cost of the repair.

  • Groups are jointly and severally liable for any damages to equipment, furniture, premises, or the building that is traceable to those hosting and/or attending the meeting.

  • Groups reserving meeting rooms agree to hold the Library harmless from any liability for any damages, claims, or incidents that may arise out of the group's access to and use of the meeting rooms.

  • The Library assumes no responsibility for private property brought onto the premises.

F. Equipment

  • Library staff may provide limited assistance with library equipment upon request, but meeting room users are responsible for their own equipment.
  • Equipment available for use in the library meeting rooms is listed on the reservation form.

  • Requests for use of the equipment must be made when reserving the room, such as rolling white boards.

  • Library staff may provide limited assistance with library equipment upon request, but meeting room users are responsible for their own equipment.

G. Refreshments

  • Light refreshments (such as box or bag lunches, cookies, finger foods, etc.) may be served in the meeting rooms of the Robeson Pavilion at the Main Library and in the meeting room at the Douglass Branch.

  • Food is not allowed in the Friends of the Library Conference Room or the Busey Bank Conference Room (222) at the Main Library.

  • No food may be prepared on library premises. Use of electric cooking or warming appliances such as crock pots, woks, trays, or coffee makers is prohibited. Chafing dishes with open flames are also not allowed.

  • Groups serving refreshments must provide all equipment, utensils, and serving items.

  • Leftover food, beverages, and serving items must be discarded or removed from the Library by the group.

  • Groups serving refreshments must complete all cleanup before the end of their meeting reservation time and prior to leaving. Cleanup required will be charged at $60 per hour, with a minimum of $25.

Reviewed and approved by the Board of Trustees on November 17, 2021.

Questions? Ask Us.