LOOKING FOR A JOB? Changing careers? We can help! Our career services include one-on-one consultations, online tools like JobNow, and workshops. We can help with your resume or even with practice interviewing.
Cypress Resume is a simple tool for creating a professional resume showcasing your experience and skills. When you enter your information, this tool generates concise descriptions for a polished resume.
Gale Courses gives you the choice of 375 professional development and personal enrichment topics, including grant writing, accounting, computer programming, business software, sales, and speed Spanish. New sessions start every month.
JobNow provides resources to create your resume and then submit it for expert editing. You can also take personality and career assessments, practice interviewing with a live job coach, and search for jobs matching your interests.
LinkedIn Learning offers 5,000 video-based training courses. Improve your aptitude in job hunting, interviewing, computer software, working remotely, and maintaining positive working relationships.
Mango Languages can help you perfect your communication skills in over 70 languages. Placement tests are available so you will know your starting level.
Peterson’s Test & Career Prep allows you to take online practice tests including the GED, civil service exams, and college admission tests (ACT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, and more). You can also improve basic math, reading, writing, science, and English knowledge or build your next resume.
Reference Solutions Research companies and view 2.5 million job and internship listings.
Need help creating a resume or cover letter, or starting a business? Set up a one-on-one consultation with one of our experts.
You’ll find 40+ recordings of Career Workshops on the library’s YouTube channel.
Get announcements about career events.
Catherine Purcell
Career Librarian
Adult Services