Champaign Public Library Friends

illustration of fox walking toward hearts on horizon


The Friends of the Champaign Public Library is a volunteer organization that supports the library in its mission through volunteer activities that enrich and enhance the library’s services to our community.

Join the Friends for $10

When you join the Friends (or renew your annual membership), you’ll get:

  • Two free, regular-priced books at the FriendShop
  • Half-price savings at the FriendShop during the second week each month

FriendShop Bookstore

The FriendShop Bookstore is on the lower level of the library, offering more than 20,000 used books, CDs, and movies. Since the bookstore is staffed by volunteers, every dollar benefits the library.


We accept books, CDs, and DVDs that are clean and in good condition. Learn more about donating to the library.

Get involved

The Friends need help sorting and pricing books for sale in the FriendShop Bookstore and online. Cashiers are needed during shop hours.

Questions? Ask us.

FriendShop Bookstore

Questions? Ask Us.