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LIVE Webinar: Statista for Businesses

Business Pitches, Marketing Plans, and Product Development
Mon, Sep 14, 2020
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Statista is one of the world's leading portals offering access to statistics and studies on 80,000 topics and 170 industries worldwide.

In this webinar, Megan Guinane will walk through the various data tools available on the Statista platform and present real-life examples of how many businesses utilize their data.

Statista is the online platform that simplifies the research process - they research, analyze, and aggregate statistical data and reports and include:

· More than one million multi-disciplinary statistics with 300-400 new statistics added daily
· 21,000 infographics
· 160 country reports
· Citation tools (APA, MLA, Bluebook, Harvard, Chicago)
· Global comparison tools covering consumer markets, ecommerce markets, countries, and more

Registration is Required.

Start + Grow Your Business Fall Webinar Series:

Launching a business? We want to help.

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