Keep Our Library Strong:
Be an Advocate
How is the library governed?
While the library is a part of Champaign City government and receives most of its funding from the City of Champaign, the library is governed by an appointed Board of Trustees. Its budget is approved by both the Library Board and the City Council.
How is the library funded?
Champaign property tax provides 96% of the library’s funding. User fees, corporate replacement tax, and some miscellaneous income make up the rest of the library’s revenues.
Additionally, the library seeks private contributions, grants, and sponsorships to support library services and provide enhancements. But while private funding helps keep collections and programs strong, it cannot take the place of tax support.
How much of my property tax bill goes to the library?
If you are a resident of Champaign, 5.3% of your property tax bill goes to the Champaign Public Library. The library has a separate property levy set by the Champaign City Council. The levy of 0.4222 has remained the same since 1998.
Things you can do to keep the Library strong
- Get and use a library card — one of the most important cards you carry.
- Keep informed by signing up for the library’s monthly newsletter.
- Follow the library on social media.
- Become a library volunteer and see the library’s impact firsthand.
- Tell friends, neighbors, and others about the library and its valuable resources—and encourage them to become advocates, too.
- Understand how the library is funded.
- Make a donation. Your gift will help the library and demonstrate support.
- Include the library in your estate plans.
- Let our funding decision-makers, the Library Board and City Council members, know that our community needs a strong library.
Questions? Ask us.
Brittany Millington
Library Director