Complete the online form or call 217/403-2000 or inquire at one of the library’s service desks in order to schedule an appointment.
Each appointment is expected to last roughly 30 to 60 minutes.
As many as you need. Additional appointments can be requested.
We will look at your appointment request and match you with a staff member based on their expertise and availability.
We will do our best to assist you with the topics like computer basics, setting up an email account, job searching, and other topics as time and staff resources allow. Library staff are not legal, medical, tax, or technology professionals. Some questions or topics may lead to referral to other information providers. Library staff are not liable for damage to personal devices.
Contact the library at 217/403-2000 to cancel or reschedule your appointment. Please give staff as much notice as possible in the event that you need to cancel an appointment. It’s helpful if you can share the name of the person you were scheduled to meet with. We will contact you to reschedule.
At the Main Library, come to the second-floor service desk to let us know that you’ve arrived for your Book-a-Librarian appointment.It’s helpful if you can share the name of the person you were scheduled to meet with.
We are happy to help! Please speak with a staff member at a service desk or call 217/403-2000 and we’ll be happy to assist you and share options for getting your questions answered.
Bring your phone or tablet and charger to your appointment, and have account information and passwords handy.