Get your financial questions answered by experts with the Money Matter$ series.
Frankie Bialeschki will identify the top three financial challenges women face and solutions to implement to overcome them. This presentation will cover budgeting, types of debt, goal setting, protecting goals, growing your wealth and distributing income in retirement.
About the presenter:
Frankie Bialeschki is a Financial Advisor partnered with Northwestern Mutual. Northwestern provides financial planning services including but not limited to: retirement planning, life insurance, disability insurance planning, long term care planning. A Financial Advisor is someone that you trust to help coach you to reach your objectives that are important to you. Frankie prides herself in helping busy moms' take one more to do off their plate by providing them with a financial plan that helps provide security and confidence around their financial goals. Being a single mother for 10 years herself, as well as an entrepreneur and holding the financial stress for her family, she is positioned to understand the challenges around financial planning, saving, debt reduction - stress and overwhelm of trying to manage your finances. Her mission is to bring calm and confident presence around your financial plan. She has seen the impact of creating a solid foundation that helps clients feel energized and secure knowing they are saving for their goals and their children’s goals while also transforming their relationship with money and being able to teach their children to do the same, empowering generational wealth.
Presented in partnership with Northwestern Mutual.
MONEY MATTER$ | Spring 2025
• Feb 20, Food Budgeting Made Easy, 6 pm
• Mar 27, 3 Financial Challenges Women Face & How to Overcome Them, 6 pm
• Apr 17, Saving & Investing for Retirement, 6 pm
• May 15, Protecting Assets from the Costs of Long Term Care, 6 pm
Adults | Workshop, Presentation
Main Library
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