
- 1.5 million ebooks, audiobooks, movies, music, and comics
- You can stream titles or download them to your device
- Instant access—no waiting
- Check out up to 20 items per month
- Parents are responsible for monitoring use by minors. There are no limitations on use for minor’s library cards.
- Available to Champaign Public Library cardholders
- Use Hoopla
Will it work with my device?
*Please note that KindleFire HDX content may not be available for download, but could be available in streaming format.

- To get started, create a Hoopla account. Start at the Hoopla Digital homepage and click “Get Started Today”
- Enter your information in required fields and tap Agree.
- Browse titles to check out
You can get free assistance when you Book-a-Librarian. Our experts will meet with you (in person or virtually) to help you with accessing ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and other digital services. Call 217/403-2000 or fill out the online form to request an appointment.
Questions? Ask us.
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