LIVE Webinar | Skills to Succeed by Land of Lincoln Goodwill

Wed, Jul 29, 2020
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Join us for this virtual workshop to learn about Skills to Succeed, an innovative and free online employability training program.

Come learn how to connect with highly interactive online training courses that will walk you through the journey of how to think about your career, find and apply for a job, and job retention.

Presenter:   Janice Coleman has been a career coach at Land of Lincoln Goodwill for the last eight years. Prior to that she was an instructor at Danville Area Community College for many years including earning part-time instructor of the year in 2009-2010. She has been awarded for her above and beyond service to the community. In 2015 and 2018, Janice served as keynote speaker on behalf of the Illinois Legal Aid Online Yearly Fundraiser for her work in assisting people with severe barriers to employment.

Janice has received numerous awards for her outstanding community work including a 2014 award from Land of Lincoln Goodwill for above and beyond service and an award from New Directions in 2018 for appreciation in helping people with employment efforts in the Vermilion County area. She is a certified career coach and has recently received certification related to partnerships and analytics. She has a passion for helping people especially when it comes to career coaching or helping others acquire new skills. She cherishes the privilege and honor that allows her to help them.

Registration is required. 

Get that Job webinar series:

Career questions? We can help. 

Adults | Presentation


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